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  #1 Old 08-31-2013, 03:55 PM
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Default How To Blank And Fake a Receipt with pictures

What this is used for?:

this is used for SEing(proof of payment fraud) or refund fraud. (this tutorial only covers the SEing version of receipt fraud but if you do want to know how to do Refund fraud then go to viewtopic.php?f=33&t=8893)

Does this work?:
YES, it does work and i myself have used it at 3 different times, i got 1 60gb hdd and 1 wireless controller (controller is coming in the post atm) for my xbox360 and i got my friend a 60gb hdd (i pretended to be him and he didnt even say thanks which sucked)

The Method:

The method is simple, just soak the receipt numbers up in water for 30seconds and wiggle the receipt under water for 10 seconds.

Then take out of the water and lay numbers down on to a hard flat surface, REMEMBER water makes paper weak and it will tear so be careful!. also put some tissuse under one corner to make sure you can lift the receipt at anytime.

Leave the receipt to SEMI-dry as the receipt still needs to be damp, when you feel it is kinda dry at the corners it is ready to be sprayed with a spray bottle any of the following

-window cleaner (just as good as disinfectant spray just easyer to get)
-disinfectant spray (i use this one)
-water (this doesnt give good results but it is the easy option,you must repeat this atleast twice tho)

once you have sprays across the receipt leave for 30 seconds and TAP dry with tissuse (if you wipe you will rip the paper 99% of the time)

then place something on top three of the corners and leave to dry

It is still wet but yeah i was in a rush.

The Editting:

This bit is the hardest if you dont have the right materials

you need the following

-a computer with a Pro grade image software E.g photoshop, gimp, coral or MS paint
-a scanner (if you dont have one and you have come this far im sorry but you wasted you time, i will provide some pictures for you to use instead for editting)
-a brain
-other receipts (unblanked) as templates and "Stealers" a stealer is a receipt that you take bits from to use on your fake receipt to make it look real.

My images i use to fake receipts

http://i35.tinypic.com/4qn86b.jpg - Blank receipt as a template if you dont have a scanner
http://i37.tinypic.com/2eovh5e.jpg - Template so you know where everything should go
http://i34.tinypic.com/2h51n3s.jpg - A dirty blank receipt (for advance people) but if you do it right it can pass anything
http://i33.tinypic.com/jv43k9.jpg - Has alot of useable text and content that you can use for faking

Remember that this receipt is ment to of been in your pocket/bag and of course its going to be a bit warn and torn so make sure you use this if your not good with photoshop you can make minor mistakes and they wont matter.

to start off scan your blanked and unblanked receipts in to your pc, then open up your editting software and load the images.

bring up your blank one and make a layer copy then plot with the brush tool where you will put the address, what you brought with the total and the date/cashier info. (use your other receipt to help you locate where things should go and how much room they take up)

then take different bits from the receipts you have (and yes that means copy and paste) and place them in the proper places on your blank receipt (this is where you use your brain)

after that fix it up by checking the size of text and the placement looks real then make sure that it would pass a normal persons tests, by this i mean they would look at it and just think its another receipt so make sure the text isnt all different shades of black but make it readable.

then save it as a normal name E.g say if im sending mine off to MS for a HDD i would call it "receipt for my 60gb hdd.jpeg"

as that will show up in the email you send them. after you have done that ring them up and chat your crap then send them your picture and your done!.

Credits : carmaster
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